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PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain First Chair Podcast

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I recently sat down with George Thomas for the new PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain “First Chair” Podcast. The podcast is a new project focused on Skiing, Riding, Certifications, Professional Development, and Mountain Lifestyle. If you’d like to listen in as George and I chat about snowboarding, the national team, and everything in between, check it out below.

Meet AASI National Demo Team member Chris Rogers who joins us to discuss his roots in snowboarding, how he got into teaching, what it was like to go through Team tryouts and how his teaching philosophy has developed throughout his career.

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There are already 16 episodes with a guest list that include Nick Herrin, Scott Anfang, Ron LeMaster, Joel Gratz, Charlie MacArthur, Ellen Post Foster, and Dave Gregory!

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