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Making the Team

Team Coin AuroraI am honored to be selected as a member of the 2016 PSIA-AASI Snowboard Team and to represent AASI for the next four years alongside an incredible team of inspirational educators and athletes.

In the fall of 2004 I moved to Steamboat Springs, planning to spend a winter there between college and “real life.” That all changed because of a conversation at Mahogany Ridge where Scott Anfang convinced me to teach snowboarding for “a season.”

I’m passionate about our organization and the power of the Teams to inspire, influence, and change lives because it happened to me. Standing at the front of the room last night with my new teammates, I couldn’t help but be excited about the incredible opportunity we all have to create that same life change for the next generation of educators.

While I credit Scott with starting me down this path, the saying “It takes a village” has never been more true. In that first season in Steamboat I had a few outstanding trainers who inspired me to make snowboard instruction a career instead of just a job. Through the years that list has expanded dramatically, and I owe so many thanks to the many, many people who’ve I’ve had the opportunity to train with and learn from.

So, to everyone who trained me and trained with me, to all of the amazing people who helped make this a career, to the guests who made teaching snowboarding so fun, to my peers who have been an endless source of encouragement, and to my friends and family who put up with me always talking about snowboarding: Thank You!

And to my new teammates: Let’s bring it!

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